City leaders take note - this is how you discuss Columbus.

Civic Leadership in America, Take Note on how to Discuss Columbus

Pueblo’s Columbus Day Weekend a Display of Debate with Honor & Respect Pueblo Colorado is an example of how a civilized society treats each other. While Columbus Day of 2020 witnessed turmoil in what’s left of Portland, a bright light of reason and goodwill illuminated Pueblo Colorado. The Indigenous community…

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Why Columbus Day of 1942 is so meaningful today

Why Columbus Day of 1942 is so Meaningful Today

Estimated reading time: 30 minutes Beginning on December 8th 1941, over 600,000 Italian-Americans were branded “enemy aliens” and were firmly under the surveillance of the US intelligence community. Out of that number, tens of thousands were experiencing a very broad range of civil rights violations and massive economic losses, and…

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Columbus Day is about Self-Determination.

Columbus Day is actually about Self-Determination

How history is taught in our public schools is a serious matter. As a child develops into an adult, the ability to hold rational public discourse using factual references as supporting data becomes an important skill. The ability to sort out truth from disinformation is a powerful asset, but children…

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